Why take this course?

You can’t feel good about your singing if you’re unsure about handling your voice, or or you can't confidently warm up your voice. This course is based around a framework of 5 core exercises suggested by Dr Ingo Titze, one of the foremost voice scientists of the world. Building on his framework, I show you how efficiently, effectively, holistically warm up your voice.

  • 20 videos, 15 audio files and downloadable resources

  • A solid, science and evidence-based approach for warming up your voice

  • Gives you not only the exercises but teachers you HOW to think about warming up your voice

  • Practice tracks with piano backing so you can practice easily

  • You will be guided and empowered through every step of the framework

Course curriculum

Effective, efficient and holistic warmups

    1. Background to this course

    2. About the course and who it's for

    3. Before we begin...

    4. Using the course software

    1. The What and Why

    2. The How

    3. 9 Different semi-occluded sounds and how to do them

    4. Male Voices: Time for you to do it!

    5. Female voices: Time for you to do it!

    1. Pitch glide - what, why and how

    2. Pitch glide - practical advice

    3. Male voices: try the pitch glide

    4. Female voices: try the pitch glide

    1. Tongue stretch - the how and why

    2. Tongue stretch - practical advice and tips

    3. Male and Female voices: Tongue Stretch Workout

    1. Messa di Voce - What, why and how

    2. Advice, Examples and Hints on the Messa Di Voce

    3. Now you try - the messa di voce workout

    4. Messa di Voce Complete workout

    1. Staccato - what, why and how

    2. Vocal workout male voices - staccato arpeggios

    3. Vocal workout female voices - staccato arpeggios

About this course

  • $49.00
  • 41 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content